Home Security Tips to Make Your Space Safer

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Home Security Tips to Make Your Space Safer

As technology advances, security systems offer more features to boost convenience, efficiency and protection. Home intruders can get around basic, outdated systems, but you can outsmart them with advanced solutions such as motion detector video recorders and live monitoring services. The best home security tips combined with a high-quality security system can significantly increase your peace of mind and protect your home from potential risks.

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How to Improve Your Home Security

Knowing how to better secure your home can prevent unwanted break-ins and theft. Even if your neighborhood seems safe, increased protective measures are always beneficial. Consider the following home safety and security tips to protect your family and valuables.

1. Keep Your Home Locked Day and Night

Keeping your home locked at all times is one of the most important tips for home security. Leaving your doors and windows unlocked during the day or while you’re home may seem more convenient, especially if you’re working in the yard or waiting for visitors. However, leaving your door unlocked gives criminals easy access. Even the quietest neighborhoods are susceptible to crime, and a significant amount of break-ins occur during the day. Keeping your home locked helps prevent unwanted intruders from entering your home.

Check your windows after a service professional completes any type of repairs in your home. An untrustworthy individual could potentially unlock a window to later gain access.

Changing your locks when moving into a new home is also essential. There’s a possibility your home’s previous owners may have forgotten to collect all of their keys before selling it to you. Their dog walker, family members or a babysitter could still have keys they could use to enter your home. Changing your locks ensures only you and the people you trust can access your home.

To reinforce your locks, you can install a deadbolt protector. Many home intruders know how to pick locks, but a deadbolt protector prevents your deadbolt from turning so the door can’t open.

2. Reinforce Your Doors

In addition to keeping doors locked, you should reinforce them for additional security. If your doors have external hinges, you can reinforce them by replacing one of each hinge’s screws with a security stud that locks hinge leaves together if a burglar removes the hinge screws.

Reinforce Your Doors

You should also replace your door hinge’s screws with 3-inch or larger screws. Long screws extend past the door frame, securing it to the studs for a stronger connection. When you reinforce an external door with security studs and longer hinge screws, it’s much harder for a burglar to remove the door and break in.

Garage doors are another entry point to consider. You can secure a track-lifted garage door with a C-clamp by tightening the clamp on the door’s track next to its rollers.

Checking the wood around your windows and doors to ensure it’s rot-free is also helpful because rotting wood is easier to pry through. Hire a professional to replace any weakened wood around your home’s entrances and windows with solid wood so it’s sturdy enough to keep intruders out.

3. Block Sliding Doors From Opening

Whether they are locked or not, sliding patio doors can be easy to open. You can secure your home’s sliding doors by placing a metal bar or pipe on your door’s track. Cut the bar or pipe to the exact length of the track’s space you need to fill, then place it there whenever the door is closed. You can also purchase an adjustable anti-lift lock for sliding doors. This type of lock attaches to your patio door’s frame and the side of the sliding door panel to prevent break-ins.

4. Replace Glass Doors

Another important factor related to glass doors is how easy they are to break. Breaking glass is an easy way for burglars to reach in and unlock a door, so you should consider replacing any glass panel doors or applying security film to the glass. Security film strengthens the glass, preventing potential intruders from shattering it.

5. Set a Password for Your Wi-Fi Network

Set a Password for Your Wi-Fi Network

Protecting your Wi-Fi network may seem unrelated to home security, but it is one of the most important home security safety tips. Unprotected Wi-Fi networks are easy for hackers to access, and they can use this access to gather your personal information, monitor your house or control your wireless security system. Creating a strong password, keeping it private and changing it periodically keeps your security system and online information safe from hackers.

6. Request Identification Before Individuals Enter Your Home

Unfamiliar people may enter your home if you schedule services or receive an unexpected visit from law enforcement. Burglars may ring your doorbell before attempting a break-in to see if you’re home, or they may imitate someone they’re not to gain access to your home. You have the right to ask law enforcement, salespeople and service professionals for their identification before letting them enter your home.

7. Implement Visual Deterrents

Implement Visual Deterrents

Whether you have a security system in place or not, you should place home security signs in your yard. The visual indication of a security system helps discourage potential burglars because they typically target the least-protected homes to avoid getting caught. You can also unnerve potential intruders by placing dog toys or a “beware of dog” sign in your yard. A dog could attack or make noise, and burglars try to avoid detection.

Trimming the greenery around your home is another way to discourage intruders from approaching your property. The lower your trees and bushes are, the less burglars can shield themselves from your neighborhood’s view.

8. Mark and Inventory Your Valuables

In some situations, an individual’s friend, neighbor or acquaintance is to blame for stolen property. While people often associate burglaries with unfamiliar intruders, some crimes are committed by individuals homeowners know personally.

Marking and cataloging your valuables makes it easier to retrieve them if a stranger or familiar acquaintance takes them. You can use an ultraviolet (UV) pen to mark your important possessions. A UV pen leaves an invisible mark that shows up under a UV or fluorescent light. When you mark an item with a UV pen, you can use the marking to prove an item is yours if someone takes possession of it or takes it to a pawn shop.

9. Keep Large Purchases Private

Keep Large Purchases Private

Large appliances or other valuable purchases can attract unwanted attention from potential burglars. People can see the boxes you place in your recycling bin, giving them a glimpse of the valuables your home contains.

Hiding these boxes is an easy way to keep your home’s contents private. Break your boxes down and fold them so the inner surface shows and the brand name remains unseen from the street.

10. Address Indoor Safety Concerns

Home intrusion is an important concern when protecting your home, but you should also consider how to protect your family from indoor hazards. Smoke and CO2 detectors protect your family from catastrophic events and illness, and medical alert buttons can help family members call for emergency response quickly when necessary.

11. Install Proper Lighting

Lighting is an important part of preventing break-ins. Consider how you can make your home safer with the following lighting tips:

Install Proper Lighting
  • Install motion detector lights: Detector lighting can help deter burglars who may approach your property at night. A motion detector light turns on when it senses movement, which can send an intruder running if they think they’ve been seen. A sudden bright light may make them think you’re home or your neighbors can spot them.
  • Place lights near doors: Many homeowners illuminate their front doors to deter intruders, but it’s also important to install lighting at your back door and by any side doors your home has.
  • Illuminate additional areas: Installing lights by your garage, driveway and fence can increase your security and enhance your home’s appearance.

How to Secure a Safe in Your Home

A safe may be one of the most crucial items in your home you need to protect, as it likely holds important documents, money or valuable items. A safe keeps your items locked away, but burglars often attempt to remove safes from houses. You can increase your safe’s security and prevent burglars from taking it or breaking into it with the following tips.

1. Bolt Your Safe to the Floor or a Wall

If there are pre-drilled holes in the back of your safe or in its base, you can bolt it to a wall or floor. You will need a power drill, a strong drill bit and anchor or expansion bolts to attach your safe effectively.

First, place your safe in the area you wish to secure it. Cut the carpeting around the safe if you plan to bolt it to the floor. Removing the carpeting lets you bolt your safe directly to the base underneath. Mark your drill points through the safe’s holes, and use a small drill bit to drill a pilot hole. The pilot hole provides a starting point, helping you create a hole that properly fits your anchor bolts.

To drill your holes, use a drill bit with the same diameter as your anchor bolts and ensure you drill to the proper depth. Measure your bolt and mark your drill bit with tape at the same length to avoid drilling too deep or shallow. Line your safe up with the drilled holes, place your bolts in the base, tap them with a hammer and tighten them using a wrench.

2. Disguise Your Safe

Disguise Your Safe

Burglars typically look for a traditional safe when they break into a home. You can prevent or delay them from finding your safe by disguising it as an everyday item. Placing your safe inside a cardboard box, such as a large shipping or moving box, can throw a burglar off and prevent them from finding your valuables. You can also store your safe in unconventional spaces where intruders are less likely to search, such as:

  • Inside a bag in an unused fridge or deep freezer
  • In a wall or under floorboards
  • Inside a laundry hamper
  • Behind your mantel
  • Under your bed
  • Inside staircase compartments
  • Inside a kitchen pantry or bathroom closet

3. Keep a Diversion Safe in Your Home

In addition to hiding your safe, you can add a diversion safe to distract burglars. Purchase a small safe and use it to store less valuable items. You could place some fake cash or jewelry inside to make a burglar think they found your real safe, leading them to exit your home before they find your real valuables.

How to Secure Your Home When You’re Away

You may wonder how to make your home safer while you’re away if you enjoy traveling. Whether you take a business trip or a family vacation, you can have a much more pleasant time with the peace of mind your home is safe while you’re gone. Consider the following tips to secure your home while you’re away.

How to Secure Your Home When You're Away

1. Keep Your Travel Plans Private

Updating your social media status or sharing your exciting vacation pictures allows you to share your joy with friends and family. However, it also lets burglars know when your home is empty. If you want to brag about your trip or share fun moments with your loved ones, consider sending photos or updates through private messaging methods. Wait until you return home to update your social media pages.

2. Schedule Lawn Maintenance and Arrange Mail Collection

Overgrown plants and long grass can make it seem like your home is vacant. Burglars sometimes target homes with unkempt lawns so they can commit theft with a lower chance of getting caught. A well-maintained lawn indicates that someone is likely home, so it’s a good idea to schedule landscaping services if you’ll be away for a month or longer.

An overflowing mailbox is another indicator to burglars that a homeowner is away, and it gives individuals an opportunity to steal important information your mail may contain. You should ask a trusted friend, neighbor or family member to collect your mail daily. If no one is available, you can request the postal service to hold your mail for a period of time.

3. Ask a Friend to Stay in Your Home or Use Your Driveway

Since an unoccupied home attracts potential burglars, you can arrange for a trusted friend or family member to temporarily occupy your home or park a car in your driveway. If you ask someone to watch your house or stay for a few nights, make sure they understand how to use your security system properly.

4. Invest in a High-Quality Security System

An effective security system is crucial when you’re traveling because it must do what you can’t when you’re away — detect potential threats and react quickly. Some security systems have more features and capabilities than others, increasing your home’s surveillance. When you’re away, it’s especially crucial for your system to detect activity on your property, avert intruders quickly and notify you of unusual occurrences.

Home Security System Tips to Keep in Mind

Home intruders often know how to get around basic security systems, which is why learning how to make your home more secure is crucial. Advanced security systems have helped reduce crime rates over the past several decades, indicating that the right system can make a significant difference in your home’s safety.

A high-quality home security system can provide you and your family with peace of mind day and night. Security systems offer different levels of protection, so it’s essential to choose one that protects your home effectively and efficiently. You can boost your home’s safety by ensuring your system includes these components:

  • Video recorders: Video recorders record images and videos so you can capture and view activity around your home. A camera helps you notice when unusual activity occurs, and it can help you identify individuals if you need to contact authorities for assistance. If a crime does occur, video footage can also support your claims in court.
Motion detector
  • Motion detectors: Motion detectors are one of the most important security system components because they help your system’s features activate when there’s activity on your property. If an individual approaches your home, a motion detector can activate your camera or notify you.
  • Door and window sensors: High-quality door and window sensors activate an alarm when an intruder opens a door or window or shatters the glass around these entry points. The alarm allows you to react and call for help before the intruder gains access to your home, but the sound can also ward them off and cause them to flee on their own.
  • Keypad panels: A keypad panel enables you to arm and disarm your security system from a central device.
  • Strobe lights and sirens: Security systems with bright lights and loud sounds can avert intruders from entering your home. An individual is much less likely to follow through with a break-in when they encounter strobe lights and sirens.
  • Specialized camera features: Invest in a camera with features such as wireless connectivity, motion-activation, pan and tilt capabilities, and infrared sensing for the best surveillance system. These features enable you to view your property when you’re away, receive notifications when your camera senses movement, zoom in for detailed images and view what’s happening at night.
  • Wireless doorbells and key fobs: Wireless doorbells and key fobs allow you to monitor your front door and gain convenient, secure access to your home.
  • 24/7 monitoring: When you invest in a 24/7 monitoring program, you can trust experienced, responsive security specialists to monitor your home day and night.
  • CO2 and smoke detectors: Reliable CO2 and smoke detectors are a crucial part of home security systems.

Security Solutions You Can Depend on

If you’re wondering how to beef up security in your home, Strada Air Conditioning, Heating, Electric & Security can help. We offer home security solutions that make it easy to control your system, set automation and receive notifications. With our products and services, you can:

  • Set automation rules for your system based on your specific needs.
  • Program lights to turn on or off at specific times based on your household’s patterns.
  • Set defined system events to personalize your security schedule based on your family’s habits.
  • Sync your system to your smartphone for convenient access and control.
  • Receive notifications when an individual enters your home’s access code or triggers your security system.
  • Control your system’s components and features remotely.
Improve Your Home's Security With Strada Air Conditioning, Heating, Electric & Security

Improve Your Home’s Security With Strada Air Conditioning, Heating, Electric & Security

Understanding how to best secure your home can help you rest and enjoy worry-free time with your loved ones. Strada Air Conditioning, Heating, Electric & Security offers top-tier home security products and services to help you improve your home’s safety.

Our home security systems combine video surveillance, motion detectors, lights, specialized features, alarms and keypad panels to make your home safe. You can also join our 24/7 monitoring program to receive support from our responsive security specialists. Contact us to learn more, request a quote or schedule an appointment to boost your home’s protection.

Strada Services CEO, Joe Strada

Joe Strada, owner of Strada Electric, Security & Air Conditioning, started working at the young age of 14. He’s never attended college, but he has spent his life dedicating his time and energy to his trade and providing high-quality services to his customers. At 19, Joe started working at a well-known air conditioning company and developing his commitment to excellence. He has state certifications in electric, plumbing, air conditioning, residential building and general contracting. During his years of training and experience, Joe noticed a sincere need for a dependable electrical contractor in Florida who embodied the same dedication to customer service in which he believed. In 2003, Joe co-founded Strada Electric, Security & Air Conditioning. Since then, the company has been in the business of providing peace of mind to customers. We offer expert electric, security and air conditioning solutions for homes and businesses, leveraging our experience to deliver professional and responsive service with reliability and respect.

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Strada Services CEO, Joe Strada

Joe Strada, owner of Strada Electric, Security & Air Conditioning, started working at the young age of 14. He’s never attended college, but he has spent his life dedicating his time and energy to his trade and providing high-quality services to his customers. At 19, Joe started working at a well-known air conditioning company and developing his commitment to excellence. He has state certifications in electric, plumbing, air conditioning, residential building and general contracting. During his years of training and experience, Joe noticed a sincere need for a dependable electrical contractor in Florida who embodied the same dedication to customer service in which he believed. In 2003, Joe co-founded Strada Electric, Security & Air Conditioning. Since then, the company has been in the business of providing peace of mind to customers. We offer expert electric, security and air conditioning solutions for homes and businesses, leveraging our experience to deliver professional and responsive service with reliability and respect.