Why Is My AC Blowing Warm/Hot Air?

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Why Is My AC Blowing Warm/Hot Air?

An air conditioner is one of the best defenses against the hot Southern heat. However, if your AC unit is blowing warm or hot air, it can quickly make your home uncomfortable and unsafe.

If you need to fix your air conditioner fast, the team at Strada Air Conditioning & Heating is here for you. We offer 24/7 emergency support and will be at your home quickly to get your AC up and running correctly. Call us at 860-200-2854 for all your air conditioner needs today!

10 Reasons Why Your Air Conditioner Is Blowing Warm Air

An AC unit may be blowing hot air for many reasons, making diagnosing an exact cause difficult. Regardless of why your AC unit is blowing hot air, restoring your AC as soon as possible is essential so your home is comfortable and safe. Here are some of the most common reasons why an AC unit can blow hot air:

1. The Refrigerant Is Low

Refrigerant absorbs heat from the air, leaving it feeling cold. If your AC unit is low on refrigerant, it’s unable to chill the air, which results in hot air coming out.

If you think your refrigerant is low, it’s best to call a professional. Several things can cause low refrigerant. For example, you may have a leak in your system or a major issue with your overall AC system.

2. You Have a Clog in Your Air Filters

Your AC filter prevents debris and other materials from entering the AC system. However, this same debris can result in a clog in your filter. When your AC experiences reduced airflow, the unit will have to work harder and less efficiently, which can mean your system may not cool down the air entirely, and you have warm air coming through the vents. During the summer, you can change your filter once a month to keep your AC operating at its best.

3. The Thermostat Is in the Wrong Setting

Thermostats often blow warm air due to human error, such as accidentally leaving their system on heat instead of cool. While this may seem like an obvious mistake, it can cause confusion and frustration when warm air pumps through your vents.

To fix this issue, simply look at the thermostat and see what it says. Ensure the thermostat is in a cool setting instead of a warm or fan. You also want to make sure the temperature is low enough that you can feel a difference in your home compared to the temperature outside. With the press of a few buttons, your home should be cool in no time.

4. The Evaporator Coils Have Become Frozen

Sometimes, parts of an air conditioner, like the evaporator coils, can get too cold. When these coils fail to receive proper airflow, cold air builds up around them, making them less effective or even freezing them. Regular AC check-ups will often catch issues like these before they cause significant problems with your AC system. Bring in a technician to fix them so your AC continues to operate correctly.

5. Your Outside Unit Lost Power

Your Outside Unit Lost Power

Sometimes, your AC might blow hot air due to an issue with the outside unit. When the outside unit of an AC system loses power, the cooling process stops, but the interior system continues to operate as if the air is still undergoing the cooling process. 

This issue can be easy to overlook, especially if the outside unit is the only thing that loses power. However, it is a good idea to consider power outages as you troubleshoot why your AC unit may not be working.

6. There Is a Leak in the Duct

Sometimes, your AC may blow warm air even if the system still operates correctly. This issue can result from issues outside the main equipment, such as duct leaks. Leaks cause cold air to escape and warm air to enter your ducts. If you have a duct leak, it’s best to fix this issue as soon as possible, as it can make your entire AC system ineffective.

7. You Closed or Blocked the Return Vents

Another often-overlooked issue is when the return vents become closed or blocked. You can accidentally close these vents or block them with furniture, boxes or other items. A block like this reduces the overall airflow, and the entire system starts running poorly. Opening and unblocking your return vents is a simple solution. Open the vents and remove anything in front of them, and you may have cold air again in no time.

8. The Compressor Is Malfunctioning

Like any piece of machinery, parts of your AC unit can malfunction. When the compressor malfunctions, the system can’t operate properly, resulting in warm air. Reach out to the professionals as soon as possible to ensure they accurately diagnose and fix the issue.

9. There Is an Issue With the Circuit Breaker

Air conditioners use a lot of power, making them more likely to trip the circuit breaker in your home. If your AC unit is blowing hot air or is off entirely, check to see if it has power before heading to the circuit breaker and flipping it back in place or replacing the fuse.

10. There Is a Clog in the Drain

While it may not be immediately obvious, there is a connection between air conditioners and drains. AC systems require drains to remove excess water during operation, and if the drain becomes clogged, the water will remain in the air conditioner and cause issues. During scheduled HVAC maintenance, a technician checks the drain and removes clogs so your unit operates safely.

Keep Your Air Conditioner Working Correctly With Strada Air Conditioning & Heating

Keeping your home cool and comfortable in the hot summer months is vital. If you notice your AC unit is working incorrectly, let the team at Strada Air Conditioning & Heating help. We have been helping homeowners with their AC needs across the South since 2003, and we’ve worked with all major brands to make us a knowledgeable choice regardless of your AC system. 

With 24/7 emergency services and convenient scheduling options for regular service, we’re proud to be a go-to choice for your big and small AC needs. Schedule an appointment online or call us at 860-200-2854 today!

Keep Your Air Conditioner Working Correctly With Strada Air Conditioning & Heating

Additional Resources on Air Conditioning:

Strada Services CEO, Joe Strada

Joe Strada, owner of Strada Electric, Security & Air Conditioning, started working at the young age of 14. He’s never attended college, but he has spent his life dedicating his time and energy to his trade and providing high-quality services to his customers. At 19, Joe started working at a well-known air conditioning company and developing his commitment to excellence. He has state certifications in electric, plumbing, air conditioning, residential building and general contracting. During his years of training and experience, Joe noticed a sincere need for a dependable electrical contractor in Florida who embodied the same dedication to customer service in which he believed. In 2003, Joe co-founded Strada Electric, Security & Air Conditioning. Since then, the company has been in the business of providing peace of mind to customers. We offer expert electric, security and air conditioning solutions for homes and businesses, leveraging our experience to deliver professional and responsive service with reliability and respect.

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Strada Services CEO, Joe Strada

Joe Strada, owner of Strada Electric, Security & Air Conditioning, started working at the young age of 14. He’s never attended college, but he has spent his life dedicating his time and energy to his trade and providing high-quality services to his customers. At 19, Joe started working at a well-known air conditioning company and developing his commitment to excellence. He has state certifications in electric, plumbing, air conditioning, residential building and general contracting. During his years of training and experience, Joe noticed a sincere need for a dependable electrical contractor in Florida who embodied the same dedication to customer service in which he believed. In 2003, Joe co-founded Strada Electric, Security & Air Conditioning. Since then, the company has been in the business of providing peace of mind to customers. We offer expert electric, security and air conditioning solutions for homes and businesses, leveraging our experience to deliver professional and responsive service with reliability and respect.