Should I Repair or Replace My AC Unit?

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Should I Repair or Replace My AC Unit?

Taking care of your air conditioner (AC) involves more than maintenance. If you want to save money and get the most out of your system, you need to know when to repair or replace your unit. Getting a new air conditioner is not always the most cost-effective option, but it can be your best choice. Use this guide to help you make the right decision for your AC, budget and home. 

Signs Your AC Needs Repairs

AC repairs are a great way to maximize your unit’s life span. Getting your old system fixed up is often cheaper than a full replacement. Repairs can help you save money while getting the updated cooling power you need. If you’re dealing with AC trouble, you’ll want to figure out if you need a repair or replacement before moving forward. Here are some signs you might just need an AC repair:

1. Poor Airflow

Poor airflow is an easy-to-spot AC issue that often just needs repairs. Weak or uneven airflow is a sign that you’ve got a blockage or a failing compressor. It might be as simple as switching out your air filters, or you could need a professional parts replacement. If you feel like your vents are sending out less air than usual, you likely need a professional inspection and repair to get things working again. 

2. Frequent Cycling

Cycling is when your AC switches on and off, usually to get your space to the correct temperature. Frequent off-and-on behavior is called short cycling. You’ll notice short cycling when your AC has a problem that needs fixing. Your unit might short cycle if you have a malfunctioning thermostat or oversized unit. If it’s just a thermostat malfunction, you can repair the thermostat. However, having an oversized unit could mean you need a replacement. Get a frequent cycling unit looked at as soon as possible to prevent issues from getting worse. 

3. Warm Air

AC units are meant for cooling your home — if your unit starts blowing out hot air, something’s not quite right. Thermostat and compressor malfunctions or low levels of refrigerant could all cause warm air. A technician will check out your AC components or top up your refrigerant to solve the problem. Professionals can quickly repair your AC unit, giving you the cold air you need. 

4. Unpleasant Smells

Musty or bad smells coming from your unit mean you probably need a repair, not a replacement. Musty odors often indicate a mold or moisture problem, while burning smells come from electrical issues. Smell-related problems need repairs to make your air fresh and cool again. A complete replacement is usually unnecessary for this problem, although your technician might recommend one if the issue is severe. 

5. Strange Noises

Strange noises, like squealing, grinding or banging, are signs of a problem needing repair. Typically, these noises come from loose parts and mechanical issues. If you’re noticing strange sounds, you should try to minimize your AC use until you can get a professional to look at your unit. Loose components and mechanical issues could damage your unit, making repairs difficult. 

Signs Your AC Needs Replacement

AC replacements are usually more expensive than repairs. Your AC unit is made to last years — you should check with your technician before getting a replacement to ensure repairs can’t fix the problem. However, sometimes, it’s more cost-effective and practical to upgrade your unit. Replacing your air conditioner can give you the cooling and efficiency you’ve been missing. If you’re seeing these signs, you might want to replace your AC unit:

1. Frequent Repairs

Frequent Repairs

If you’re frequently repairing your AC system, it might be time for a replacement. Constant repairs will get expensive, quickly costing you more than a brand-new unit. Additionally, all those repairs indicate that wear and tear is getting to your unit. Even the best systems break down with age — frequent repairs are a sign of wear taking its toll. Investing in a new unit can free up your time and money from all those repairs. 

2. Aging Unit

Once your air conditioner gets past 10 years old, you might need a full replacement. While a good quality unit can last longer than 10 years, you’ll likely experience frequent issues and efficiency problems after this period. Older units are often less efficient, using up extra power without the benefits of newer models. The older your unit is, the more likely it is to break down. Upgrading your system gets you all the efficiency and tech benefits of a new unit without the constant costs of an old unit’s wear and tear. 

3. Increasing Bills

Are you noticing unusually high energy bills? You could be looking at a replacement soon. As your air conditioning system ages, it has to work harder to cool your home. Wear and tear can drag system efficiency down. Eventually, the strain will be noticeable. The more energy your system uses to cool, the higher your energy bills will be. If you’re noticing a pattern of high energy bills without changing your AC habits, you should start looking into AC replacements. 

4. Excessive Noise

Worn-out parts and internal issues can lead to a noisy AC unit. Loud and unusual noises aren’t just annoying, they’re a sign of an internal problem. If you’re dealing with squeaking, rattling and banging coming from your unit and repairs haven’t fixed the issue, it’s time to replace your AC. Newer models operate more quietly than older designs and they won’t have the mechanical issues that cause intrusive sounds. 

5. Poor Temperature Control

Are you dealing with inconsistent temperatures throughout your home? If some spaces are cool and others warm, it could be a sign your AC is failing. Older models might struggle to cool efficiently, leading to warm spaces in your house. Additionally, you might have a ductwork issue that needs correcting. Upgrading your AC can help with this problem. 

Expert AC Repair and Replacement From Strada Air Conditioning & Heating

If you’re experiencing AC issues, contact the experts at Strada Air Conditioning & Heating for assistance. Our team will examine your air conditioning system to determine the issue. We’ll work with you to ensure you get the repair or replacement you need. As your one-stop shop for home comfort, Strada Air Conditioning & Heating is ready to handle all your HVAC services. 

With years of experience and a commitment to customer service, you can count on us to deliver industry-leading services every time. With convenient online scheduling, 24/7 emergency phone support and 10-year warranties, getting the help you need is easier than ever. Trust Strada Air Conditioning & Heating for reliable, efficient and expert care. Avoid unnecessary expenses and a hot home when you trust our technicians. Contact us today and schedule your appointment online

Expert AC Repair and Replacement From Strada Air Conditioning & Heating

Strada Services CEO, Joe Strada

Joe Strada, owner of Strada Electric, Security & Air Conditioning, started working at the young age of 14. He’s never attended college, but he has spent his life dedicating his time and energy to his trade and providing high-quality services to his customers. At 19, Joe started working at a well-known air conditioning company and developing his commitment to excellence. He has state certifications in electric, plumbing, air conditioning, residential building and general contracting. During his years of training and experience, Joe noticed a sincere need for a dependable electrical contractor in Florida who embodied the same dedication to customer service in which he believed. In 2003, Joe co-founded Strada Electric, Security & Air Conditioning. Since then, the company has been in the business of providing peace of mind to customers. We offer expert electric, security and air conditioning solutions for homes and businesses, leveraging our experience to deliver professional and responsive service with reliability and respect.

Previous ArticleHow to Troubleshoot Common Air Conditioner Problems

Strada Services CEO, Joe Strada

Joe Strada, owner of Strada Electric, Security & Air Conditioning, started working at the young age of 14. He’s never attended college, but he has spent his life dedicating his time and energy to his trade and providing high-quality services to his customers. At 19, Joe started working at a well-known air conditioning company and developing his commitment to excellence. He has state certifications in electric, plumbing, air conditioning, residential building and general contracting. During his years of training and experience, Joe noticed a sincere need for a dependable electrical contractor in Florida who embodied the same dedication to customer service in which he believed. In 2003, Joe co-founded Strada Electric, Security & Air Conditioning. Since then, the company has been in the business of providing peace of mind to customers. We offer expert electric, security and air conditioning solutions for homes and businesses, leveraging our experience to deliver professional and responsive service with reliability and respect.