How Buying a New HVAC System Saves You Money

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How Buying a New HVAC System Saves You Money

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems combine various technologies to improve your home’s air circulation and regulate temperature. 

Most American homes have an HVAC system installed. In the southern United States, 93% of homes have at least a central AC — though many houses have HVAC systems that are over a decade old. 

If you’re a southeastern homeowner sweating over whether to replace that old HVAC system, chances are the costs of a new system are giving you pause. But a new system can reduce your spending over time, especially if you live in a hot, humid state. Keep reading to learn how buying a new HVAC system saves you money. 

7 Money-Saving Benefits of a New HVAC System

While a new HVAC system is a big purchase, it’s also an investment in long-term, cost-effective temperature and airflow management. Compare the costs of using an old system to those of upgrading over a five or 10-year time, and you’ll see a substantial return on investment from a new system. And that’s assuming your old HVAC system could last that long!

New HVAC systems have many benefits for your home. The following are seven ways these benefits can translate into financial savings:

1. Energy Efficiency

If your HVAC system is old, faulty or of inferior quality, installing a new one can revolutionize your home’s energy efficiency. Replacing your old system can reduce your heating and cooling energy consumption by up to 50%. The benefits for your total utility bills could be huge since HVAC appliances consume over 30% of the electricity used in American homes.

When you buy an HVAC unit, you can check its Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) rating. This ratio is calculated by comparing the unit’s temperature regulation output to its energy consumption over a season of use. The higher its SEER rating, the more energy-efficient it is. 

HVAC manufacturers are constantly innovating to enhance your home’s energy efficiency. That means newer HVAC units have higher SEER ratings than old ones. While single-digit SEER ratings were common in previous decades, the minimum SEER rating in southern states today is 15. 

Upgrading from a SEER 10 AC to a SEER 15 AC could save a third of your cooling energy expenses. You could save even more by opting for a unit rated higher than 15. Today’s most efficient systems are already entering the 20s!

Look up your current unit’s SEER rating and compare it to what’s on the market today. While a higher SEER-rated unit will be more expensive to purchase, it will save you money on utility bills in the long run. Upgrading to the highest SEER-rated HVAC units you can afford will yield a significant long-term return on investment.

Along with SEER ratings, there are two other HVAC efficiency ratings you should know:

  • AFUE: Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency measures how efficiently a system converts fuel to heat over a year. High-efficiency AFUE ratings are 90% and above. Medium-efficiency systems are rated 80% and above, while inefficient systems are rated below 80%. Check a unit’s Energy Guide sticker or owner’s manual for its AFUE rating.
  • HSPF: A Heating Seasonal Performance Factor describes a heat pump’s efficiency in converting its energy consumption to heat during the heating season. ENERGY STAR, a major energy efficiency body, certifies heat pumps as efficient if they have an HSPF of at least 9.2 and a SEER of at least 16.

2. Minimal Maintenance

All HVAC systems undergo wear and tear over their life span. This results in increasing maintenance and repair costs as your system ages. While each maintenance or repair job may be cheaper than a new unit, the costs of regular fixes add up.

When you buy a new HVAC system, you’ll save on repairs and maintenance because:

  • The new unit is free from the wear and tear that degrades older units.
  • New HVAC components have higher durability standards, minimizing maintenance needs.

You can also ask your new HVAC installation partner about special maintenance plans to reduce your costs over time. 

3. Smart Thermostats

New HVAC units are integrated with smart thermostats, which old HVAC systems lack.

These devices are accurate, convenient and efficient. With a smart thermostat integrated into your HVAC system, you can:

Smart Thermostats
  • Program your thermostat and HVAC devices remotely.
  • Access detailed energy usage reports on your smartphone and other devices.
  • Automate temperature regulation for different weather, times of day, rooms and whether you’re home. 

These features help you save money by optimizing heating, cooling and ventilation for your needs. A smart thermostat ensures your HVAC system never works harder than needed. This minimizes wasted energy and protects your pocket.

4. Extra Incentives

Manufacturers, energy companies and some local governments may offer rebates and incentives for upgrading to a new HVAC system with a higher SEER rating. These incentives can offset the costs of installing a new system and may offer further long-term savings.

Upgrading to energy-efficient AC units, heat pumps, furnaces, fans and heaters can qualify you for 30% annual federal tax credits worth thousands of dollars.

Federal tax rebates are available for these appliances and others if they carry ENERGY STAR certification:

  • Air source heat pumps
  • Gas, oil and propane furnaces except those only certified for the southern U.S. only
  • Advanced main air circulating fans using at most 2% of your furnace’s total energy 
  • Most ENERGY STAR-certified heat pump water heaters
  • ENERGY STAR-certified ACs rated Most Efficient

Check for further rebates that may be available from your HVAC manufacturer, local government or utility company.

You should also contact a reputable HVAC installation service to ask about specials and incentives for upgrading to a new system.

5. Property Value

Installing a new HVAC system can increase your home’s resale value. Any property valuation, especially by prospective buyers, would improve if your home already has an energy-efficient, cost-saving HVAC system installed. An old system needing regular maintenance and repairs could be perceived as a liability.

Real estate market studies indicate energy-efficient upgrades add up to 8% to your home’s resale value. The benefits of a new HVAC for your property value will be especially pronounced in the hot, humid climate of the southeastern U.S. It’s no surprise that demand for high-performance, energy-efficient home HVAC units is high down here!

Whether you plan to sell your home or hold it for life, installing a new HVAC system makes your property a more valuable asset. 

6. Healthy Air

A new and improved HVAC system enhances your home’s airflow and air quality. Clean air is a pillar of human health and well-being. Investing in the air you and your family breathe allows you to live longer, healthier and more productive lives. 

Breathing better air has quality-of-life benefits that far outweigh any costs. But improving your air quality has financial advantages, too. Clean air supports good health, which is favorable for productivity, longevity and minimizing medical costs you could incur from breathing poor air.

7. Revitalizing Temperatures

The temperature control features of modern HVAC technologies can work with your daily rhythms to revitalize your body.

The ideal room temperature for sleep is 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures outside this range can make it difficult to fall asleep, stay asleep and feel your best when you wake.

The bad news is that Florida has temperatures at 90 degrees and above for about a third of the year. This means homeowners in the southeastern United States often experience high nighttime temperatures that impair their sleep quality. There are also days when homeowners will feel uncomfortably cold.

The good news is that a new HVAC system can help you regulate your home’s temperature for optimal sleep at night and productivity during the day. Today’s systems also operate more quietly, so you can sleep peacefully. Use your new HVAC’s smart thermostat to automate your temperature for rest and revitalization. After all, you deserve your best night’s sleep every night.

Better sleep at night and refreshed alertness during the day help you to feel better and live your life to the fullest. These benefits are truly priceless.

5 Bonus Tips to Save Money on a New HVAC System

5 Bonus Tips to Save Money on a New HVAC System

Now you know how replacing your old HVAC system can save you money. But a few more tips will help you maximize your cost savings when buying a new HVAC system:

1. Check Sizing

An air conditioner’s cooling capacity is measured in British Thermal Units (BTUs). You can generally estimate the BTUs your AC should supply by multiplying your home’s indoor square footage by 25. So, a 2,000-square-foot home would need a 40,000 BTU AC unit — about 3 tons of air conditioning.

There are other factors that can affect your cooling needs, including:

  • Your home’s location.
  • Insulation and sealing.
  • Window surface and configuration.
  • Duct sizing and arrangement.

The ideal HVAC system will be large enough to meet your entire home’s cooling, heating and ventilation needs. An undersized unit will become overworked and inefficient and may need replacing sooner. But it shouldn’t be too large, as an oversized system will compromise energy efficiency and increase your utility bills. For peace of mind, choose an HVAC installation service that will visit your home to determine your optimal system size and capacity. 

2. Explore Features

Along with smart thermostats, some new HVAC appliances offer other state-of-the-art features for added value. These include:

  • Variable-speed motors: ACs and furnaces with variable-speed motors can adapt their blower speed to cool or heat each room precisely as needed without wasting energy.
  • Zoning capabilities: Tailor the temperature settings in each part of your home for comfort and efficiency. Apply just the right amount of cooling power for each room, based on how you use it and how warm it gets naturally.
  • VRF systems: Variable Refrigerant Flow systems adapt refrigerant flow to match your cooling or heating needs. They improve temperature precision and energy efficiency.
  • Humidity control: Advanced HVAC systems have sensors to detect and optimize humidity levels for your health and comfort. This helps to address the dangers of excessive humidity, such as mold and mites. It also prevents overly low humidity, which can cause respiratory irritation.

3. Plan Maintenance

Ask your installation service about your system’s recommended maintenance schedule and service requirements. 

Schedule and budget for maintenance in advance to keep your HVAC system in tip-top shape. Regular maintenance will help your new system run at maximum efficiency and save you from needing costly repair and replacement jobs sooner than you should.

Find a trustworthy HVAC maintenance partner who offers:

  • Reliable work. 
  • Supportive service.
  • Labor warranties.
  • Discounted maintenance plans.

4. Anticipate Regulations

Choose an HVAC system that complies with environmental and energy regulations in your area. Better yet, maximize efficiency to stay ahead of the curve.

Energy efficiency standards tend to rise as manufacturers innovate and climate concerns become more pressing. Outpacing the minimum requirements for metrics like SEER can limit the risk of having to replace the unit you install now for compliance.

5. Search for Certification

ENERGY STAR is a major independent body that certifies energy-efficient equipment, including HVAC systems. Its rigorous standards ensure that an HVAC system is up to scratch if it carries ENERGY STAR certification. 

At the same time, two ENERGY STAR-certified HVAC systems may not be equally suited to your needs. One may be even more efficient than the other or have additional features and specifications that are ideal for your home. That’s why ENERGY STAR certification is a great mark of approval to look for, but you should still ask a trusted professional for expert advice about the best HVAC solution for your home.

Install a New HVAC System With Strada Air Conditioning & Heating

Strada Air Conditioning & Heating is a family-owned provider of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) services throughout the southeastern U.S. We have multiple Florida locations and sites in Alabama, Georgia, the Carolinas and Tennessee.

Our HVAC services include installation, maintenance and repairs. If you want the best value for money, you have every reason to choose Strada Air Conditioning & Heating:

  • We install units from top energy-efficient brands.
  • Our new equipment comes with a best-price guarantee for ultimate value.
  • We visit to assess your needs first, ensuring we install the most efficient system for your home.
  • Our team removes the old unit and installs the new one on the same day. 
  • We offer a 10-year labor warranty plus parts warranties on new installations to protect your HVAC investment.
  • Our maintenance plans keep your system in prime condition while saving you money. 
  • Strada Air Conditioning & Heating’s customer service team answers your questions and supports you through every step.

Are you ready to enjoy the peace of mind that comes from an efficient, reliable HVAC installation? Find Strada Air Conditioning & Heating experts near you to schedule an appointment and start saving money with your new HVAC system.

Install a New HVAC System With Strada Air Conditioning & Heating

Strada Services CEO, Joe Strada

Joe Strada, owner of Strada Electric, Security & Air Conditioning, started working at the young age of 14. He’s never attended college, but he has spent his life dedicating his time and energy to his trade and providing high-quality services to his customers. At 19, Joe started working at a well-known air conditioning company and developing his commitment to excellence. He has state certifications in electric, plumbing, air conditioning, residential building and general contracting. During his years of training and experience, Joe noticed a sincere need for a dependable electrical contractor in Florida who embodied the same dedication to customer service in which he believed. In 2003, Joe co-founded Strada Electric, Security & Air Conditioning. Since then, the company has been in the business of providing peace of mind to customers. We offer expert electric, security and air conditioning solutions for homes and businesses, leveraging our experience to deliver professional and responsive service with reliability and respect.

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Strada Services CEO, Joe Strada

Joe Strada, owner of Strada Electric, Security & Air Conditioning, started working at the young age of 14. He’s never attended college, but he has spent his life dedicating his time and energy to his trade and providing high-quality services to his customers. At 19, Joe started working at a well-known air conditioning company and developing his commitment to excellence. He has state certifications in electric, plumbing, air conditioning, residential building and general contracting. During his years of training and experience, Joe noticed a sincere need for a dependable electrical contractor in Florida who embodied the same dedication to customer service in which he believed. In 2003, Joe co-founded Strada Electric, Security & Air Conditioning. Since then, the company has been in the business of providing peace of mind to customers. We offer expert electric, security and air conditioning solutions for homes and businesses, leveraging our experience to deliver professional and responsive service with reliability and respect.